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Walters Meets with Clinton on Haiti Relief Efforts

NEW YORK (Jan. 15, 2010) -- Former Okla. Gov. David Walters met with President Bill Clinton Wednesday afternoon at The Clinton Foundation offices in New York to discuss the Haitian emergency relief efforts.  

Walters was joined by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), Department of Commerce representatives, former FEMA director James Lee Whitt, business executives, government officials and relief organization representatives.

"Offers of assistance and suggestions for streamlining aid supplies were made," said Walters, president of Walters Power International. WPI has experience in providing power to that part of the world, having delivered a pair of power barges to the Dominican Republic in 1998.

Walters suggested providing better “focal points” for those with equipment, supplies and services in the housing, water, food, clothing, electricity, sanitation and security sectors. Walters said providing common focal points would assist government agencies and those wishing to establish company-to-company contacts to provide support.

"There are a lot of people who want to help the people of Haiti in the wake of this tragic natural disaster," Walters said. "Anytime you have assistance coming from a lot of different directions, focus is essential. Establishing clear contact points ensure that this help gets where it needs to be in the most efficient manner possible."  

The meeting was held at The Clinton Foundation offices in Harlem.  The meeting had been scheduled prior to the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti this week as part of President Clinton's work as a U.N. envoy for Haiti. The original agenda had been to work on the long-term improvements for Haiti, but the meeting was quickly converted to a relief support session.

About Walters Power International

Walters Power International is a global provider of local power. WPI and its affiliated companies combine the expertise of independent power professionals with unparalleled international experience, extensive international networks and the financial resources to develop power projects and associated technologies around the world.


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